
Whistleblowing office

The conditions for providing protection to persons in an employment relationship in connection withreporting crime or other antisocial activity (hereinafter referred to"antisocial activity") and the rights and obligations of persons related to reporting an antisocial activity are governed by Act No. 54/2019 Coll. onthe Protection of Whistleblowers, andonamendments andsupplements to certain acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Whistleblower Protection Act").

Pursuant to the Section 10 (9) of the Whistleblower Protection Act, KÚPELE LÚČKY a.s. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") issued an internal regulation that governs the procedure for filing and reviewing reports of antisocial activities and the conditions for providing protection to whistleblowers.

Any natural person inan employment relationship withthe Company, or other similar employment relationship, a closeperson to a natural person inan employment relationship withthe Company, or an anonymous person may, inaccordance withthe organizational directive, disclose facts to the Company of which he/she has become aware in connection with the performance of his/her employment, profession, position, function or in connection with his/her activities and which relate to antisocial activities, namelythrough a responsible person.

The Assistant Director, who maintains a register of complaints in the Company, performs the functions of the person responsible for the Company under theWhistleblower Protection Act.

Antisocial activity means:

  • criminality, i.e. conduct that constitutes a criminal offence;
  • other antisocial activity, i.e. conduct that constitutes an offence or other administrative offence, but also conduct that is not an offence or other administrative offence but which has a negative impact on society, such as illegitimate, unethical or illegal practices in the workplace.

Antisocial activity may be reported to the Company inaccordance withthe organizational directive:

  • KÚPELE  LÚČKY a.s.

    “Krukám zodpovednej osoby” (“for the responsible person”)

    Mgr. Monika Adamcová

    Lúčky 530, 034 82 Lúčky

    • orally on the record in the office of the responsible person,
    • by e-mail to the e-mail,which is accessible around the clock,

    and you can do it anonymously as well.

    Antisocial activity can also be reported through an external system such as:

    ·         The Prosecutor’s Office,

    ·         administrative authorities,

    ·         Whistleblower Protection Office,

    ·         relevant Union institutions.

    Detailed procedure of the Company related to handling reports of antisocial activities as well as to the protection of whistleblowers of antisocial activities is laid down in the organisational directive.